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Meet our talented people.

Jenson Varghese

Jenson Varghese

Position: Technical Director
  • Transit
  • Transport Strategy and Research
  • Economics and Business Cases


Jenson is a transportation planner and engineer with a broad range of experience in project management, transport planning and business case consulting. 

Jenson has qualifications in engineering, transport and economics and brings an in-depth understanding of public transport planning together with land use and transport planning and economics.  Jenson has a history of successfully managing, delivering and overseeing a wide range of high profile transport projects in New Zealand and Australia. 

He was the past chair of the IPENZ Transport Group Auckland Branch and a former board member of ACE NZ. Jenson was a previous recipient of the ACE NZ Future Leaders Award. Jenson is currently on the steering committee for the Diversity Agenda  which aims to dramatically improve all facets of diversity and inclusion in the engineering and architecture sectors. 

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