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The MRCagney Blog

MRCNZ15: Researching Autonomous Vehicles

Sat, September 1, 2018  |  Research 

This week as part of our 15th anniversary in New Zealand celebrations, Danielle Gatland looks back at last years Autonomous Vehicles Research Report, now including GIFs​


When do you expect autonomous cars to replace human driven vehicles? Perhaps tomorrow, next year, or possibly never? There is plenty of speculation and uncertainty around the timeframe and implications of autonomous vehicle adoption. I have been involved in a research project with MRCagney to better understand and communicate the implications and expectation of autonomous vehicles. This research was also supported by MRCagney. 

We used both research and experience in the industry to predict how autonomous vehicles might best integrate with people, workplaces, and other transport solutions to support well-functioning cities. The GIF below describes how we think autonomous vehicles should integrate with other modes to create the most benefit for people. 

This research was partially funded through a research grant from Callaghan Innovation to better understand electric and autonomous vehicle technologies. We took this opportunity to review the current capabilities, expectations, barriers, and future work necessary to support the transition to widespread autonomous vehicle use. 

One of the most interesting aspects of this research was learning about some of the hype which has been generated around advancing vehicle technologies. Using literature reviews, evidence, and the expertise of MRCagney staff, we discussed some critiques of this hype. The outcomes of our input are shared in the GIF below. 


We hope to continue to be involved in the discussions and transport solutions that utilise autonomous vehicle technologies to create Better Transport, Better Places, and Better Choices for people using urban spaces.