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The 1.5 Project & Transport2030

Tue, May 19, 2020  | 

We recently published a simple online calculator to support the work of Dr Paul Winton and the 1.5 project. Dr Winton's project looks at how the transport industry can help us to deliver on our 1.5 degree target for climate change. As he says: 

To achieve this (1.5 degree maximum shift in temp by 2030), transportation in New Zealand must be largely decarbonised by 2030. Our current transport system no longer meets our needs. By 2030 our transport system will be safe, healthy, decarbonised and accessible to all.

We wanted to understand how existing transport projects and initiatives are helping to move the dial on our emissions, and that's how our  Transport2030 calculator was born.

You can read more about the response to Dr Winton's work and the calculator here: