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What we do and why we do it.

We are on a mission to create a world where anyone can thrive without a car.

Our vision is for cities in Aotearoa to be places that support the wellbeing of people and the environment.

We see a future where children can play in the street, where vibrant local centres are the heart of their communities, and where everyone can access what they need no matter where in the city they live or what their personal circumstances are.

MRCagney helps cities build transport systems that work for people and the environment.

We are leaders in sustainable transport planning in Aotearoa. We are motivated both by the urgent need to reduce transport emissions, and by the way transport systems affect people’s quality of life. Our work aims to give people better transport choices and create places people love by prioritising walking, cycling and public transport.

Transitioning transport systems to be better for people and the planet is complex and has a range of impacts. At MRCagney, we use an evidence-based approach to help clients solve challenging problems. Our work is informed by local and international best practice, academic research, and strong data-driven analysis.

We need to think about and plan transport differently

The relationship between land use and transport shapes what people can access and how they travel. Decades of car-centric transport planning and land use decisions have created cities where most people depend on a car to get around. Communities are spread thinly across the landscape and valuable city space is lost to car parking.

This has led to poor health and wellbeing outcomes, contributes to climate change and environmental degradation, and is expensive for households and governments. Car dependence locks people into travelling long distances, spending more time on transport and less time doing things they value. It excludes some people altogether, such as those who cannot drive because of their age or disability, and it makes other transport options harder to use.

Some people might always need a car to live their daily lives, and a transport system that makes it easier for most people to get around by foot, bike or public transport will work better for them too.

The purpose of transport is to help people access the things they need to live a good life.

We are focused on people and what helps them thrive rather than trips and vehicles. Transport and land-use systems work together to provide access to everyday needs, activities and services. Public health, wellbeing and economic opportunity are inextricably linked to transport and urban design.

Denser urban environments create places where communities benefit from proximity. This means people can access most of what they need close to home and sustainable modes of transport are easy to use if they need to travel further.

By providing more transport and housing choices, we can help everyone move independently while protecting the environment and creating healthier, fairer cities.

Streets are valuable public spaces.

With fewer cars on the road, we can create streets where local communities can meet and spend time, and where children are safe to roam independently. Fewer cars also mean cleaner air and waterways, less traffic noise, and a more comfortable environment for everyone. More space on streets means more room for trees and gardens, making cities healthier and more resilient places to live.

MRCagney is dedicated to transport solutions that work for people and communities.

Our service areas cover all aspects of sustainable transport planning, and our team has a broad collection of experiences, skills, and backgrounds. We are used to working across disciplines and understand that every project exists within a collection of transport and land-use systems.

In our projects, we collaborate with an international network of expert transport planning colleagues and draw on the deep expertise of our team to find holistic, considered solutions.