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Equity and Accessibility

Creating places for all


Access to good quality transport has the potential to improve equity by providing everyone with affordable and convenient connections to the things people need for a good life. Equity underpins all the projects we do at MRCagney, and we are well-equipped to deliver projects with an equity or accessibility focus.

MRCagney is industry-leading in our work on improving access to transport for disabled communities. Our team has wide-ranging experience working in partnership with disabled communities to produce research highlighting the transport challenges this group faces. We also have experience working alongside people with diverse experiences of disability to audit the accessibility of a project, a site, or an entire transport network.

Our team also has experience in general equity research topics. This gives us a strong understanding of how different factors such as income, age, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and disability interact with the transport system to produce worse outcomes for some people.

Key areas

  • Equity research
  • Pre-construction accessibility audits
  • Post-construction accessibility audits
  • Transport network accessibility audits


Waka Kotahi Research Report 690 Transport experiences of disabled people in Aotearoa New Zealand

Mninistry of Transport Equity in Auckland’s transport system
